First Day of School

It’s back to school today in Calvert County. My three children graduated from Calvert County Schools. The youngest left two weeks ago for her sophomore year of college. I miss her and I am glad that she and her brother and sister got a good education here in Calvert, an education that provides them with the tools that they need for success. … More First Day of School

Supporting Local Food, Agriculture, and Business

Local Food, Agriculture, and Business are important to me, and to a thriving local economy. As a small business owner, I recognize that every dollar spent in our community, benefits us all. If each person in Calvert spent 10% of their grocery budget at local produce stands or stores, over $30 Million would go to local business in the county. … More Supporting Local Food, Agriculture, and Business

Smart Growth and Transportation

Traffic in Calvert has become a nightmare. We must use Smart Growth principles to grow responsibly. Smart growth means Calvert must take into consideration traffic, schools, and availability of water. Studies are necessary for planning and before building.  We need balanced growth to benefit people, small business, and the environment. People who line in Calvert County do not want the expansion of Town Centers or increasing the housing density. … More Smart Growth and Transportation